Learning English - English Alphabet (ABC)

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The English alphabet from a to z. How fast can you do it? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAll rights reserved to Misterduncan and to the respective owners. This video is shared for educational purpose only.Try to sing the English alphabet as fast as you could. It's fun!Thanks for watching!

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  • You're welcome, Mahgol! Thanks for commenting! ☺

  • Thank you for watching and for leaving a comment, Adlet! ☻

  • Thank you for taking the time to watch this educational video, Haitham! Wishing you a pleasant stay on this club! : )

  • Hi Dia!

      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts about this video! I agree with you, the topic here is basic, yet it can teach us the proper pronunciation of word/s. Besides, it's great to listen or to watch a clip from a fluent English teacher like Misterduncan.

      It's indeed enjoyable to watch educational videos since it leaves an impression to remember it for a long time. Just like in your case, a permanent one. Would that mean you're also a visual learner?

      Good luck in learning English, and enjoy your time here on MyEC!



  • Hi Sahar,

      It's good to see your comment here! Good job for practicing the ABC! Yes, the pronunciation of words is very useful. Thank you for commenting here!

      Have a great weekend!

    See you around,


  • Thank you for the comment, Rapa! : )

  • Thanks Robbie:)

    A simple, nice one!

    I also tried to read it, it was very good!

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