Learn the art of converting your adversities into Opportunities.

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In this talk Muniba Mazari(Pakistani artist) shares the heart wrenching story of an incident which changed her life completely - from the bad to the good.

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  • Himat mat haaru, Elf. If God takes something from you, He will give you something much better than the one that was taken from you. We have a saying, (a harmful thing could be useful) Thanks Elf for sharing!

  • Thanks for uploaded this video. It is really inspired me to motivated at the right time and right moment.Don't give up at any cost.

  • NIc   inspiration vdio..thanks

  • each day is a new opportunity. Let's celebrate life.

  • #Sir Mishaikh:

    Yup, she is good Example for those who always complain on little things... 


  • An amber in the ashes.

    She really a real hope for others.

    Bravo Muniba.

    Thank Elf for letting us know.

  • #Rosemary:

    I am Glad to know that you are alright now. :)

    hard time show us reality of our relations (friends, relatives everyone surrounding us). some leave us in our hard/bad time, some always stay with us; no matter what the time we are facing (good or bad).. they always walk besides us, they make our life colorful..

  • #Robbie:

    yeah, she is strong women.

    we can find many more example in our surrounding If we notice adversities in their life then we will surely be feel like how much we are blessed..


    free mind can be really creative.^_^

  • A good example of what a free mind can do..

  • What a great and inspiring lady she is! I couldn't write anything more because she made me speechless. I wish she'll continuously motivate a lot of people for a very long time. :)

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