Learn how to use 'suggest' and make suggestions in English

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There are lots of structures we can use with 'suggest' and but others we can't. We look at that in this video, and also some other common phrases we use to make suggestions. Hope you like it. You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website: http://www.simpleenglishvideos.com/suggest-and-suggestions/ A big thank you to our a...

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  • Hi Onee-chan. So glad you like the video. And yes, "She suggested you do it yourself" would work just fine. A perfect sentence! :-)

  • Thanks a lot, Teacher Vicki. Your explanation will make our English better. It's surprised me because maybe I made mistakes about using to-inf and object pronoun after suggested. 

    What about this sentence..? "She suggested you do it yourself."

    I think this is right because "you" as a subject pronoun in this sentence.

    Thanks for the lesson, Teacher Vicki. :))

  • Yes Robbie. We were lucky because we had an all-star cast for this one. :-)

  • Thank you for the clear explanation, Teacher Vicki! It's great to see some of the most talented English teachers in one video! :)

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