Learn how to use English sense verbs and learn the difference between stative and dynamic verbs

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English sense verbs have two or more meanings and in this English lesson you'll learn how we use them in conversation. You'll also learn some important gramm...

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  • Delighted you like it @Molemane. Thanks for writing.

  • Thank you so much for the video dear Vicki, English sense verbs lesson,it is very helpful

  • So glad you like the video! And yes, Robbie, there are always exceptions to the rule and "I'm loving it" is one of them. It was popularized in an advertisement - presumably because it was an unusual usage that would stick in people's minds.

  • Thank you for your useful and wonderful video, once again, Teacher Vicki. :)
  • I heard some people say "I'm loving this or that!" in conversation. I think that's grammatically incorrect because some verbs about feelings do not take the continuous form in stating the present action. Thank you for another educational video!
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