Learn English - A Christmas Carol - by Charles Dickens - English story at Christmas
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Omg:D You are right, Rose! 7 January! :)
Thank you!
Roman, 7 July????? Are you sure? I think you wanted to say 7 January....don't you?
Have still a nice evening and a good weekend.
Thanks for your wishes.
Hahaha, Rose:D Well... This year is new for Ukrainians...
To be honest this year we will celebrate two Christmases... 25 December and 7 July.
Anout "Батько морозу" I don't know. But for the whole life I celebrate "St. Nicholas day" - "День Святого Миколая" 19 December.
And at night from 31 Dec to 1 July we say that "Santa Claus" - "Дід Мороз" puts the gifts under the Christmas Tree :D
Have a good day and a wonderful weekend, Rose!
Thanks for your nice wishes, Roman. I wish you also nice days. By the way, do you celebrate also Christmas as we do it in West Europe or do you celebrate Батько морозу?
Evangelina, if you are interested, there are several movies about this story. I think you might find them even on Youtube. Thanks for your comment.
It is a very nice story and meaningful as well, with a good moral message in it. He told the story well.
I saw this as a movie first time I got to know about the story, I was like Waaaooow, very fascinating. It is a perfect Christmas Carol.
Thank you so much for posting at this time :)
Hi Rose! This is really so good video and a meaningful story! People should help each other, especially those, who really need it!
Thank you for sharing, Rose! Indeed, his pronounciation is so clear! Enjoy upcoming holidays!
Yes, Robbie, you are right with everything you said.
And also, I love Mister Duncan's the clear voice and pronunciation. It's easy to understand him.
Mister Duncan is one of the best and creative English teachers in the planet. I always learn new words whenever I watch his videos. By the way, it's interesting how mean people could change their nasty ways after they tasted their own medicine...
Thank you for sharing this video! Ta-ta for now!