Lay vs. Lie - Merriam-Webster Ask the Editor

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  • hi. i will take a TOEFL exam and i need someone to help me and check my writing. plz add me who can help me and send message. thank u

  • For those who learn best by reading, check out the Lay or Lie? page on EnglishClub, and try the quiz.

    lay OR lie? | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
    This page looks at the differences between LAY and LIE, with example sentences and quiz. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers.
  • You're very much welcome, Elen! :)

  • Finally!! A good explanation about these two confusing words! Thank you! Robbie, it was my question that i wanted to ask about animals that lay eggs. But you have already given the answer, thanks!

  • I agree! A lot of people tend to misuse these words most of the time. It pays to know all of their verb forms seriously especially in writing. Thank you for sharing this video, Teacher LJ! 

    Another thing, it is absolutely true that chickens lay eggs! :)

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