Lara Fabian - Adagio

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I don't know where to find youI don't know how to reach youI hear your voice in the windI feel you under my skinWithin my heart and my soulI wait for youAdagioAll of these nights without youAll of my dreams surround youI see and I touch your faceI fall into your embraceWhen the time is right I knowYou'll be in my armsAdagioI close my eyes and I find a wayNo need for me to prayI've walked so farI've fought so hardNothing more to explainI know all that remainsIs a piano that playsIf you know where to find meIf you know how to reach meBefore this light fades awayBefore I run out of faithBe the only man to sayThat you'll hear my heartThat you'll give your lifeForever you'll stayDon't let this light fade awayDon't let me run out of faithBe the only man to sayThat you believe, make me believeYou won't let goAdagio

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  • Thank you, Robbi! Thnk you for your comment and a song from Lara Fabian! Of course, One day she'll be able your contry too! :-)

  • You're welcome, Rosenmaiden! Here's one of my favorite songs from Lara Fabian. I hope she'll be able to visit my country one day. : )


  • Hello, Robbie!

    Thank you very much for your comment! I love Lara Fabian's voice too! This singer is

    this singer quite popular in Russia at present. She often performs with the famous Russian composer and producer Igor Krutoy.

  • What an incredible performance! I love Lara Fabian's voice. It's so powerful! Thanks for sharing, Rosenmaiden. : )

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