La Festa Vol. 4 By Skullkillers - Amazing

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Can anyone help me find out the first part of this song's lyrics? I understand the rest of the lyrics but the first sentence I don't know what the singer says: "Closer, further, twenty-four each other" or "Closer, further, control me each other". It's just the first 10 seconds of the song. I would be most grateful if someone can help me with the first 10 seconds.

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  • Can anyone help me find out the first part of this song's lyrics? I understand the rest of the lyrics but the first sentence I don't know what the singer says: "Closer, further, twenty-four each other" or "Closer, further, control me each other" or "Closer, further twuenty-four inch each other"... It's just the first 10 seconds of the song. I would be most grateful if someone can help me with the first 10 seconds.

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