Keep your heart broken - The Rasmus

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I'm folding your love in my heartBy the dawn I'll be goneThe road keeps us apartFor some time I'll be goneYou promise to swallow the tears when I leave youYou promise to follow the leads I will give youYou said you would crawl in the dark from the laughterYou said you would long after me ever afterMy love will grow black if your heart gets stolenJust promise to keep your heartOne day I'll come back if the door's still openJust promise to keep your heart brokenDays go by like the windAnd this life is too shortIt makes no sense to give inTo release you from my thoughtsI promise to write you, I'll always rememberI promise I'll try to be back 'til DecemberI said I must go, I must face this disasterI said I would come after you ever afterMy love will grow black if your heart gets stolenJust promise to keep your heartOne day I'll come back if the door's still openJust promise to keep your heart brokenIf you just promise to keep your heartPromise to keep your heart brokenIf you just promise to keep your heart brokenBrokenMy love will grow black if your heart gets stolenJust promise to keep your heartOne day I'll come back if the door's still openJust promise to keep your heart brokenForever and after my loveJust promise to keep your heart broken

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