Videoke - Neil Sedaka - Oh Carole!

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This song is for you Carole! I guess you can laugh over me.. ;)

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  • Thank you for your interst Robbie! It's not really all that difficult. Tell me how you have been trying to do it and I shall see if I can help you fix the problem. 

    I really likes Blue colour, is it your favourite colour?

  • You're welcome, Sandeep! Could you give me some tips, or perhaps a link on how I can make this one? I mean, including a voice to a YouTube video. I'm interested on it! : )

  • Thanks Robbie! For the appreciation.

    Yes! I included them by my self using Windows Movie Maker. 

  • Great recording, Sandeep! The subtitles were helpful to understand the message of the video. Carole must have been so proud of you! Thanks for sharing!

    By the way, did you include the subtitles by yourself? : )

  • Hmm.. Good!

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