Japan’s “Black Widow” Sentenced To Death - BNC

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Japan’s “Black Widow” Sentenced To Death News performed by BNC(Be a NewsCaster) in Audio Speaking Group.

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  • I saw this video today Camelia and surprised to see my 15 Year Old Cousin name at the end. 

    Sigh! I'm so sorry and missed to see it before. On the way very happy to see my eldest cousin voice here.

    Thank you so much Camelia, though I'm speechless. Hats off to you!

  • Ohhh! Superrr cool video! Thank you for your hardwork on making this video, Camelia..Thumbs up!

  • Howdy my dears! :D

    I count making videos from my hobbies.. actually I toke 3 or 4 hours to do it, an I'm happy because you liked it, I hope I can do more for MyEC :)

    There is no secret, It's just matter of training, and Ideas! I liked "Be newscaster group", I noticed that many members do a big effort there to improve their English speaking, and when it's related to speaking, I'm really crazy! haha.. So immediately I got the idea of encouraging other learners to join this group, to participate and feel free and sound off! :D

    That's truly amazing group! Thank you all for support and especially my dear teacher Tara!


    PS: Sorry for late respond! I'm just little busy these say, see you soon!

  • So creative, Camelia. I like it. Thank you for sharing.

  • The MyEC Newscaster! Wow cool video :)

  • Fantastic, Camelia! Wow! You worked so hard on this video. It's like a promotional video for the Be A Newscaster group. I hope it's okay if I post it on the main group. Please share it on your Facebook pages too! And, like Robbie said, I hope you'll share your secrets about how you made this video. 

  • I think, all of the participants are great newscasters. : )

  • Lol...I thought, I'm going to watch telecast by you... :D

    Good job ! I'm glad to be a member of that group, and this group is really very helpful for the members, who want to improve their speaking...

    By the way, you are doing very great job for MyEC's video gallery. Big thanks for that !


  • That's really great Camelia! All members are very good at telling us the news!

    I want to click the like button two times! Where is the second!!!


  • Thank you Dinushi! Why don't you join them and be a sweet newscaster there? :D

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