Intravenous injection

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Those who are afraid of syringes are advised not to watch

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  • Danyavaad Simmi! Thanks for pressing the like button. 

  • Saya setuju dengan anda, Panji Dananjaya! I really agree with that, Panji. I hope you visit my page again and leave a comment. Thanks for your time reading and commenting. 

  • amazing this technology can help reduce the failur of syrene injection

  • Danyavaad Ash! Thanks for pressing the like button. 

  • Khaili mumnoon Hurieh! Thanks for pressing the like button. 

  • Khaili khob Hurieh! I went to the oncology clinic and I was afraid of these diseases. They usually take blood to test whether you have them or not. Finding that blood vessel in the arm takes a skilful technician like Hurieh. I really hope to be one of your friends.

  • Thanks mod. Paula! Once, I took my nephew to the clinic for blood test. The technician tried his best to find the vein but he couldn't and he told me that the boy didn't have a vein. Of course, we laughed and went to another hospital and it was done. Again thank you mod. Paula for your comment.

  • Thanks mod. Paula! Once I took my nephew to the clinic for blood test. The technician tried his best to find the vein but he couldn't and he told me that the boy didn't have a vein. Of course, we laughed and went to another hospital and it was done. Again thank you mod. Paula for your comment.

  • As to Tam's comment, a simple discovery which is gonna take place old syrynges is coming and its called ''nano patch''. It is a skin patch containing hundreds tiny needles and release the vaccine into lower layers of ykur skin with no pain and more advantages. Our future kids dont have to panic vaccination unlike our desperate generation.hahaha

    Watch a video on tedtalk for further info. By the way, this patch is gonna be used for patients in diabetes for insulin therapy. I bet diabetes patients will be so gratefull to the inventors.

  • One more thing, the latest technology I ran into in this sense is a robot that draws blood on its own. Quite interesting, huh?

    Its not a commonly used device though. This device is being used in our capital Tehran and in wards with patients having vulnerable veins like onchology ward.

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