Improve Your Accent in English

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A theme that students continuously talk to me about is their accent in English. They ask me: Is my accent good? Do I have a strong accent? Do I sound native?

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  • There are 3 types of learners: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.  Auditory listeners can learn better through practicing and learning with reading and writing.  Visual learners can improve by seeing charts, pictures, maps, or anything visual.  Finally, kinesthetic learners benefit from physical experimentation: speaking, moving objects, drawing pictures, and anything using the hands (this is the type of learner I am).

    I find I dont belong to any kind of them~ giggling

  • Sure, nice message Jeremy, our first worry cannot be lose our accent, but being able to communicate effectively!

  • Thank you.....everything you said is valuable ,and motivating ....
    Most of comments are right too ,,you are professional guys.wish you good luck
  • Thank you, Estela, for your comment!  What you say is very true; communication is key.
    Cheers! :)

  • Good point, ahmad al arabi.  People need to focus on their ability to communicate rather than worry about having a "perfect" accent.


  •  I ike this topic, it was a important commnent that help me to identify some mistakes in my pronounce, thanks by video.

  • Thank you all for the comments on the video!
    Harold, you have a great question.  There are many ways to learn vocabulary, but some methods don't work as well as others.  There are 3 types of learners: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.  Auditory listeners can learn better through practicing and learning with reading and writing.  Visual learners can improve by seeing charts, pictures, maps, or anything visual.  Finally, kinesthetic learners benefit from physical experimentation: speaking, moving objects, drawing pictures, and anything using the hands (this is the type of learner I am).  I will actually be making a video about this theme very soon, Harold.

  • Interesting..
  • Nah, not 40 km.  I just go around my neighborhood or to a party and I can hear all sorts of accents ",)

    Love this video.  Very true!  Thank you!

  • Thank you for your comment, Robbie.  I am glad that you agree with me.  I see so many students worried about their accents.  Having a neutral accent is absolutely the objective.

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