I'm alive

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Mmmmm ... Mmmmm ...I get wings to flyOh, oh ... I'm alive ... YeahWhen you call on meWhen I hear you breatheI get wings to flyI feel that I'm aliveWhen you look at meI can touch the skyI know that I'm aliveWhen you bless the dayI just drift awayAll my worries dieI'm glad that I'm aliveYou've set my heart on fireFilled me with loveMade me a woman on clouds aboveI couldn't get much higherMy spirit takes flight'Cause I am aliveWhen you call on me(When you call on me)When I hear you breathe(When I hear you breathe)I get wings to flyI feel that I'm alive(I am alive)When you reach for me(When you reach for me)Raising spirits highGod knows that...That I'll be the oneStanding by through good and through trying timesAnd it's only begunI can't wait for the rest of my lifeWhen you call on me(When you call on me)When you reach for me(When you reach for me)I get wings to flyI feel that...When you bless the day(When you bless, you bless the day)I just drift away(I just drift away)All my worries dieI know that I'm aliveI get wings to flyGod knows that I'm alive

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  • Thanks Nafis. I love that song and I think Celine Dion does it very well. For some reason there are a lot of jokes by American comedians about her. I don't know why because I think she is a great singer.
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