Ifthar at Puttalam, Sri Lanka

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This is a photo presentation of Ifthar (breaking fast) at the Mohideen Jumma (Grand) Masjid of in my hometown Puttalam, on August 02, 2011 ( Ramadan 01, 1432 Hijra)I did the photography, editing and compiling.

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  • Amjad Ali ...

    as many part of Asian region, Sri Lankan's main meals are based on rice. This soup contains rice, coconut milk (which squeezed from the coconut jelly), meat and spices. As to my knowing South Indian's cook these kind of soups.

    If any more explanations needed, pls. ask me. Thanks !!

  • A very good pictorial representation of  Iftar  time.It shows the  spirit of Islam___the Muslim brotherhood.

    What is the of dish that was being served and that  you have called"Rice Based Soup"?

    Anyhow thanks for sharing

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  • Mashallah !!!!! may Allah keep all the Islamic nations united .It's a nice video friend , thnx for sharing :)))))


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