I Hear You Animated Summary | Art of Listening

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This is the animated book summary of I Hear You by Michael S. Sorensen that can teach you the art of listening and help you to become a master listener. This...

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  • Nice sum up, as always, Bahman.

    Your English is great (personally I think this, but I am not a native one, and I am used to different accents). Let me share the link which I think might be useful, cos I hear some sounds that are common in our languages. like /v-w/ /i - i:/, /r/../l - l'/. Well....you asked for,,,


    • Wow, Thank you so much for your feedback. I will definitely check out the video.

  • Could you please give me some feedback on my English? Is there anything I should focus on to improve my pronunciation? Thank you so much!

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