How to Wish Someone Something Nice in English: Wish vs. Hope

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Learn how to use the verbs 'wish' and 'hope' to give someone good wishes. We use the verbs 'wish' and 'hope' differently. 'Wish' is more formal so when someo...

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  • Thank you so much ReturnMary, Nguyen, Svitlana and Robbie. We set out to make one video about hope and wish and found we couldn't. We needed to make three!

  • Why ? after lesson i do not see to check

  • Hi Vicki!

    Thank you for sharing this informative video!

    I knew some things about wishing and hoping before. But now I came to know why we use wish and hope.

    Have an excellent weekend! I am eager to watch the nest video about wishing something to someone! :)

    Thank you!

  • Thank you, dear Vicki. Your video is great as usual. )

  • I hope your passion in making useful English lessons will last for a very, very long time... I wish you, Jay and the rest of the team the best of luck! 

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