How to use 'mind' in polite requests: Learn English with Simple English Videos

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'Would you mind...?' and 'Do you mind if...?' are useful phrases but how do we use them correctly? In this English lesson we explore how they're used along w...

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  • fantastic 

  • Teacher Vicki. I'm so grateful that I can always learn from you. You are great teachers and also great actor & actress. I'm always excited to watch your videos. Like waiting for the next episode of a drama. ^_^

    Thank you very much! :) Here is my short dialogue..

    Teacher vicki: Onee, would you mind if you accompany us to have a walk when we visit your country.

    Onee: No, not at all. I will let you taste our special cuisines in Indonesia IF I have a chance. :)

  • So glad you like it!

  • I hope you wouldn't mind if I keep watching this video for many times because it's very useful! Thank you for sharing, Teacher Vicki! :)

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