How to say 'cheers' in 10 different languages

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Need to make a toast in 10 different languages? Here's how. Cheers!

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  • Oh how interesting, Yasemin.Thank you for commenting!

  • In Turkish we say "Şerefe" which means "for honor", it is a promise people make that what happens will remain there when they are drunk, bcoz drunk people can't be able to control themsleves and can regret what they did later, and it is an honorful attitude not to break that promise.

  • Thanks Robbie and Tara. It was a lot of fun to make. 

  • This is entertaining! Learning such expression in different languages could be fascinating. A toast to MyEC..... Mabuhay and Cheers! : )

  • Great video! I saw my friend Ceci in there! I find it very interesting that the stress is always on the first syllable in Hungarian. 

  • Hi everyone - here's another video that I just finished making. At the end, there's a link you can click to see a short grammar animation as well that looks at some useful phrases and words for talking about English. Cheers!

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