How to say CAN and CAN'T in British and American English

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I'm British and Jay's American and this video explains step by step how we both pronounce 'can' and 'can't'. Sometimes I find it hard to understand Jay and h...

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  • Thank you Vicki! :)

    So useful and a bit demoralising to me also haha... I guess it's a matter of practice and hearing.
  • So glad it's useful!

  • Teacher Vicki,

    Thank you so much for your explanation. I thought the correct one to say CAN'T is how you spell in British. Now I understand them more. 

    I always enjoy watching your videos.

    Have a great week, Teacher Vicki and Jay! ^_^

  • I love both American and British accents! But to be honest, British accent is quite challenging to listen to that's why I'd try to engage myself watching to some British shows and podcasts. Downton Abbey is one of my fave shows. I like the way the characters say 'can't' in a dramatic way. 

    Thank you so much for this video because it informed us to better understand and hear the difference of 'can' and 'can't in pronunciation. I couldn't help to remember your 'tomato' video, though! :)

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