How to say A, An and The in British and American English -The Schwa Vowel

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The is the most common word in English, but how do we pronounce it? And how do we say a and an too? In this lesson we look at how we say these words in Briti...

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  • Thank you, Teacher Vicki. I pronounced it 'anest' instead of 'onest'. I don't know how to write it. But I was wrong. Thank you for your reply. ^_^

  • Ah yes, honest is always a tricky one. That 'h' is silent,

  • Teacher Vicki,

    Thank you for the video. It is always great to see you. Well, I had to admit that I was wrong in pronouncing the word 'honest'. :D I never thought it would be the same with my name without -st. :D I said 'anest' :D 

  • :D

  • So glad you liked it Roman. I'm afraid we made a mistake with the FBI example and Jay should have pelt it out - eff bee eye. I'm so glad you were able to work it out.

  • This video is so cool! Everything is very well explained!

    To be honest, for the first time I didn't get, why Federal is (di) instead of (de). But later I have listened to Jay's explanation again and got it! :)

    Thank you for sharing this video and have a nice weekend!

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