Happy Christmas (2019)

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Hey, Green Fingers! On this video, I show you some photos and video clips of my cacti and ornamental plants which I used and decorated for my super tiny Chri...

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  • Hello, dear Robbie.
    I am sorry for you and all the people who have been affected or even harmed by the typhoon.
    I heard in the news that people even lost their life.
    My sincere condolence to all who lost beloved family members, neighbors or friends.
    Since I live in a temperate climate zone, I can hardly imagine what it would be like to be threatened by a typhoon.
    I am glad to hear you and your family have only lost only some material things. Material things, we can replace. Keeping alive is the most important in that case, isn't it?
    I wish you, your whole family, neighbors, and friends a typhoon free New Year.

    • Hello, Rose!

      Thank you very much for your sympathy and kind words. You're quite right, what my family experienced is nothing compared to those people who lost their loved ones and properties by the wrath of typhoon Ursula. That's why I'm so thankful.

      It's disheartening and alarming though that because of climate change, natural disasters are becoming rampant these times just like the wildfires in New South Wales in Australia where thousands of people lost their homes and wild animals were killed. It's heartbreaking to watch the news about them, too.

      You're also right, being able to survive such tragedies matters the most. There's always learning experiences that come with it and it keeps testing my faith and resiliency.

      I'm optimistic that 2020 would be a wonderful year!

      Keep safe!


  • malagayan pasco Robbie. Happy New year to mod. Robbie. 

    • Many, many thanks for your greetings, Sir Dara! I hope you had exciting holidays. Happy new year! :)

  • Just great!

    • Thank you, Rose! I hope you had great holidays. Happy New Year! :)

  • :-))) That really made me smile. XD I love also my cacti and succulents... but they aren't as festively decorated as yours. ;) Merry Christmas, Robby! :)) 

    • Hello, NotAClue!

      I'm so glad you liked this video! Unfortunately, my Christmas wasn't happy at all. The province where I live in was hit by Typhoon Ursula the day that I should be celebrating it. It was a horrible experience but I'm used to it since I experienced a supertyphoon many years ago. It was unfortunate and I have to realise  that the Philippines is a typhoon prone country

      But I'm still grateful that me and my family weren't harm and my house wasn't damaged eventhough my garden was in chaos. We didn't have power supply for a week but I'm pleased that it was restored before New Year's Day. 

      I'm also thankful that I was able to save my cacti and ornamental plants in containers while the heavy wind lambasting my garden. Some banana  and papaya trees didn't make it though. But life goes on as some people say. There's no other way but to move forward and remain resilient.

      I hope this 2020 will be filled with more happiness. By the way, I re-decorated my super tiny Christmas garden with a New Year's Day theme using different cacti and plants. I still believe life is still full of blessings and surviving the typhoons over and over again is one of them.

      Thank you for commenting!

      Take care!

      Robbie :)

    • OMG, Robbie,  
      I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you and your family are safe and sound. That sounds horrible.  And your garden... :'(   I'm sending you a big hug!! One week without power supply... that's tough. Hope everything will be okay very soon. Yes, the Philippines and some other countries really have bad luck to experience so much severe weather. 

      I wish you and your family so much luck and happiness during this year... may all this be forgotten, and life again full with sunshine and wonderful experiences! 

      Take care! 



    • Hello again, NotAClue!

      Thank you so much for your sympathy and well wishes. I truly appreciate them! Everything is fine now in my garden. I'm grateful because there are some places here that do not have power supply yet. I hope all of those people won't lose faith.

      I also hope more and more people will be educated to the impact of climate change to all of us and be more mindful to the environement and nature.



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