Halloween vs. Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night

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Halloween is a big holiday at this time of year in the US. Folks are carving pumpkins to make jack-o'-lanterns and getting their costumes ready for trick-or-...

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  • What a fantastic video presentation! Halloween is really just days ahead and this would be a perfect example of the celebration. It's great to see Teacher Jennifer collaborating with you once again!

    We don't have fall or autumn here in the Philippines. We only have two seasons, the dry and wet. This time of the year is the wet season. We have also Halloween parties here, but for a religious event, we celebrate the All Saints' Day (Nov 1st) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2nd) to remember the loved ones by visiting their graves and offering candles, prayers, and masses as well as get the opportunity to bond with other living relatives and friends. It's like a reunion because those two days are usually holidays. 

    Wishing both of you a fun-filled Halloween or Guy Fawkes Night!


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