Growing and Propagating Golden Pothos (Money Plant) Through Soil Layering

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Hello, my dear Green Fingers! How are you doing? I hope things are working well with you and you're in the best of health! In this episode, I'll share with you how easy it is to propagate golden pothos through soil layering.

I also share here some information and tips in repotting the pothos cuttings which we successfully propagated. Golden pothos also know as money plant is one of the best air-purifying plant according to NASA studies. 

Be sure to like and share this video and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already! Thank you in advance! Stay safe and stay healthy! 🥰🌻🇵🇭

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  • It's almost time here for gardening - about -7C here this morning but maybe a few more weeks from now.

    I mostly have focused on Chile / Chili  plants but maybe I'll expand this spring.  I'll watch the video soon.

    • Hello, Tim! 

      Here in the Philippines we will be having summer or dry season next month. Weather is getting a bit warmer each day but with some occasional rain in the evening.

      Trying new  edible and ornamental plants to grow is always been exciting for me and I do hope you have some inspiration too when you start growing your own plants. Good luck with gardening and stay safe! 🌻🙂


    You have a green thumb, Robbie. That's great!


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    • Thank you so much, Rose! How have you been? I'm glad you're still active here! Always be safe! 🥰🌻🦋

    • Thanks for your kindness, Robbie .

      Thanks for asking, I am doing well.

      My best wishes for you, too. 

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