Growing A Jungle In My New York Apartment

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SUBSCRIBE to Barcroft TV: A model has created an oasis in the middle of New York City by cramming 500 plants into her apartment. Self co...

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  • Maraming salamat mod. Robbie. I like my house to have a garden in the outside yard, but from inside, I like my house to be clean from trees or anything of the like. When I feel bored, I can take a ride to the jungle and enjoy the wildlife there. I hope you are not upset.

  • @ Onee

    You must have been bitten by that 'thingy'! 

  • Hi, Estanis!

    Thank you for the comment! I guess you'd have a difficult time convincing your wife even just to visit Summer Rayne to help her in managing the garden. Kidding! When it comes to sleeping in that kind of apartment, we should start getting used to the idea that creepy crawlies would be a part of everyday living hi hi.

    See you around!

    Robbie :)

  • Hi, Grace!

    Thanks again for commenting! You have a cute garden with lots of plants! And I'm sorry to hear about your 'snake plant'. You've probably had a different type. Snake plants can usually survive even without water and sunlight for a long time. Here are some baby snake plants that I planted in plastic pots. I actually picked up these poor little fellows in a vacant lot full of dead plants and junk. They caught my eyes and it would be a pity not to give them a chance to grow healthily. They are very common here in my country.


    With regards to your plant, well it looks like a type of root crop but its leaves are similar to my 'lanzones tree'. Sorry, I couldn't say what type of plant that is. Anyway, it looks like you have a 'golden pothos' there hanging on your wall. I wish you to have more varieties of plants in your garden!

    Happy gardening!

  • Robbie, thank you for adding these useful information. I did try snake plant at home, unfortunately it turned out to be withered after I watered it too much. :P  These day, I have been trying to plant this on the cup. After a while, I will move it to a pot. Can you guess what it is? I hope it could live longer than others in my garden. LOL


  • I can't deny it's really original and I wouldn't mind living in such apartment with this model, (to help watering the plants) ;D
    Anyway I'm not sure if it's so healthy sleeping there among so many plants.
  • Impossible to tell,, even to see on this screen, I would be afraid.... :D

  • Hello, Onee!

    You're welcome! I guess those animals would feel and smell like you're really in the forest, with those butterflies and birds roaming around the house. I'm curious what animal you're afraid of, though. :)

    Thank you for commenting!


  • Wowww!! Truly an amazing idea, Robbie. 

    I really like plants and flowers around the house.... But but,, I'm afraid of a certain animal which is mostly there living on a plant... :D

    Thank you for sharing the video. Fantastic house!  ^_^

  • Hello, Grace!

    You're welcome! I'm glad you liked this video. I was actually inspired by this video because I really love plants but there were times I wasn't that successful in propagating them. But I learned there are lots of plants that are easy to manage even for newbies. Snake plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata) is one of them. It's believed effective to prevent asthma for kids and the elderly. Besides that, it doesn't require lots of watering and could survive for a long time.

    Thank you for commenting!

    Robbie :)

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