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She was a real queen. 

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  • Hello, Teacher salah.

    My deepest condolences to people of England.

    Wondeful video! I wonder if I can reach that age in my life.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Terima kasih kembali mod. Onee Chan. You are most welcome. Hahaha, that age is difficult, my respected lady. People must leave everything and look after you. Hahahaha, may her soul rest in peace. Thanks, mod. Onee for your nice comment and sorry for the late reply.

  • Ola mi amiga Josi A. Como voce esta? Thanks for liking it.

    • I'm doing well Salah! Thank you so much ! How is going your famíly? I hope health and peace! 🙌🌷

    • Buenos dias Josi A. muito obrigado ee muchas gracias. Thanks for your nice words.

  • Bahut bahut shukriya Mr. Mishaikh! Thanks for pressing the like button.

  • Bahut bahut shukriya Mishaikh janab! Thanks for pressing the like button.

  • Excelent vídeo! How she stayed strong until the end, it was amazing! May her soul rest in peace.🌷🙏

    • Muchas gracias senorita Josi A. No si pero, she was a real queen. I did not tell you that one of our women wept for a long time. I could not send that video to My EC. As you said, may her soul rest in peace. Thanks for your nice comment and sorry for the late reply.

    • This is a time to offer our prayer Salah!🙏🌷

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