Five Stupid Questions Women ask Men-Primeau Productions video for Connie Podesta

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This is an old Video, that I recalled it today with a friend and it was nice coming back to it and watch it...I think every woman must watch it...So.... what's you are thinking?? :D :D :D

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  • I am afraid that it can take whole life... who knows how many parts there are... :-!

  • Romi :D 

    Why did you sound so horrified :D don't you wanna learn ? lol :D 

  • Ahahahahah!!! That "(Part-1)" it is OMG))))))
  • lol, there is a lot to learn about Women every time, Kitty :D So, I can't be sure, But.. yes, I hope I am a smart student :D 

  • Are you still in the part 1? I find that you reseach it very deeply. So i make sure that you treat to women very smart and politely... is that right, smart man?
    I will try searching in the part

  • lol,

    Excuse me Kitty, I am still in the Part-I


  • GREAT LADY! Men should know more women' psychology, LOL

  • Dear Rose,

    she is really pretty cool orator. it's true that even I had watched it before, I was able to laugh the same laughter. thanks for watching and commenting :D 

    Dear Estanis

    So... what's you're thinking??? mwahahahahahahahahaha :D I got you, man.. May God be with you.. you may need to make somebody watch this video ;)

    Thanks for watching :D

    Dear  Rosemary :) 

    Come onnnnnnnn, For the sake of God, tell me which questions, you think, are healthy for life?? is it healthy to ask husband to judge your weight or to compare your beauty with others!! or is it healthy to ask him for intimacy at the time of his mental business!!! or is it even healthy to ask for attention at the moment when he just wants to catch his breathe after a long day!! 

    please please please.. don't tell me it's healthy to ask about what changes you have made about your beauty, because the orator has just said it all in the video, we never understand or notice such changes because they are like noticing the changes on the car engine for girls!!! 

    you know, Rosey.... I think the true matter is not about the questions themselves.. it's all about how and what time you choose to ask the question.. this is very clear, I guess.. 

    Thank you really much for your valuable opinion on this :) 

    Dear dara gino & Roman,

    Thank you guys for watching and commenting :) 

  • Yes, funny questions without correct answers:)
  •    On the other hand AG  , the absence of these questions indicate that the whole relation is about to collapse  . It is healthy  to have them  :)  thanks for sharing  

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