English Starting

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Dear Friends, I tried this video first time. I wish to develop my english teaching skills... Kindly advise me to improve.. Awaiting your valuable suggestions

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  • An English teacher needs to keep  up- to- date with it and improve himself/herself always .

    We "Non native English teachers" only practice English inside the classroom with lessons which were already prepared, so we need to improve ourselves and practice it more in our daily life .This is one of the things that makes a teacher succeed ,because first of all we must make our students interest in learning English and love it, after that we can start to teach them the lessons in their books .I notice that you want to improve ,so I think you will be a successful teacher .

    Best wishes 

  • Dear Mr.Mansoor... thank you for msg... once i create my skype id... I will send you.. thanks

  • Dear Mr.Grey Young... First of all I thank you for your comment and I am happy to note that you have 3 students with you for the past 2 years and which is very great... Can you send your method of teaching to my email id : messagetoselva@gmail.com which will be very useful for me to develop my teaching skills.  s.selvakumar

  • Dear Mr.Robbie, I thank you so much for your valuable comment on my video.  After receipt of your message really my confidence level has been increased.  I am planning to post my video about all parts of speech in English..  As you said, I am surely proud of that... Once again I thank you so much for your comment... s.selvakumar

  • hi, please add my skype id: mansoor.mansoory1 for the next english advising.

    I'm awaiting for you in skype.

  •    Wow! It's great to see you speaking English, Selvakumar! I definitely agree with you! Knowing the parts of speech will help us be equipped with the proper use of the English language. There are no shortcuts with regards to learning English. We should make it a habit and take time to learn it. Surrounding ourselves with English materials such as audio books, listening and speaking materials like movies or TV sitcoms, and YouTube clips from various online English educators are great help to improve our English. It's better if it's from a native speaker.

       Recording ourselves like what you did is one of the best ways to achieve confidence in speaking. It helps us to practice English as well as to understand what needs to be improved like how to adjust in pronunciation, tone and inflection.

       Thank you for sharing your video! I bet your confidence has improved after sharing it on our club! You should be proud because this is an achievement for yourself! The best of luck in teaching English!



  • Dear Friends,,, As I am planning to start teaching English,  I tried this video first time.  Kindly advise me to improve my english teaching skills.   Awaiting your valuable suggestion.  Yours truly... selvakumar

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