el yanar-uğur ışılak

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  • dear friends, this poem describes the divine love. I tried to do translation, but To fully understand the need to know Turkish

    What if I say it put out the fire.
    heart lights up the language of theology turns on. .. poet
    to relieve the pain.
    brick lights used pen lights lit.
    victim ..

    Do you have within you recognize me?
    Without my unsolved mystery.
    Not stay in the fame does not,
    my identity is difficult to describe my ...

    Language of my singing nightingale.
    For a rose from his house caught fire.
    The heart of the Taurus Mountains avalanche.
    My fire put out the snow in my ...

    Many more sultan, king, king.
    Baht fortunes changed with me.
    Destroyed the throne with the crown to act,
    my mind does not have of skills

    While I was ignorant scholar Hodja,
    while the Wild have yahşi is cruel,
    while Yavuz Selim I Zebun,
    every game difficult to break the secret of my ...

    TB in the earth, I have manufactured.
    Lokman Physician choice but could not find.
    Asli Kerem eyledim for the ash.
    Abraham's thrown into the core of my ...

    who do not understand who cried laughing.
    lovers who divides the pain. ..
    is a consolation saying name.
    plectrum wire lights curtain lights lit.
    victim ..

    Reason some Leyland, some Şirin'di.
    Pierced by high mountains for my sake.
    Wrist strength is known to Daniel.
    Force is mine, my strength, my fer ...

    Turned my Divine Mevlana.
    Yunus'umla relieve anger.
    My sin stoves put out a lot.
    Mevla'danım, no mine, the evil of my ...

    I have no one there is no rage, the adversary.
    Not in the body in invisible, in my painting.
    Language bother, there is only one syllable in my name.
    Shelter called the place my heart.

    Muhammad was created for me.
    I pour it for mercy.
    The saint mentioned conversation.
    Prophets on the light is mine.
    My name is "Love" ...
  • nice too
    thanx for sharing me
  • Welcome Erkan,
    I really appreciated the song; Thank you for sharing it with us. As far as the translation is concerned and which you cannot afford, you can just provide us with the main idea of the song and that is going to be enough.
  • no, so I added to my video :)
  • Grace, yes you are right. As I wrote before, but all the words to English translation of a one-to-impossible
  • attractive song!but I can't understand it.
  • yes, but how will I want to help?
  • hi zozo,
    is unfortunately impossible to translate all the words to English. have different meanings in the statements.
  • a very beautiful meaningful song. "What I say does not go yangınımı. Heart lights up, lights up theology, language, lit. Victim. To be a poet suffering ends. Paper, pen lights Used lights lit. Victim. Do you have inside you get to know me."
  • heard as if the smell of roses
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