Efficient or Effective? Learn English with Simple English Videos

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This video should be useful if you need English for your job. Hope you like it! You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website: http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't...

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  • Thank you @rathanam


  • Hi Onee-chan! I love the exaples you've witten with efficient and effective, and you're right, the guy in the videos is my husband. 

  • Hello Teacher Vicki Hollett,,

    You speak and explain to us so clearly. I really like the way you speak. Thanks a lot. I guess the man who always there in your video is your husband, right? Nice to see you two.. :)

    I think watching the videos is more effective in learning English than just reading.

    Technology nowadays makes all the thing more efficient.

  • The way you help us learn the English language has been effective for the past years! Kudos for that! :)

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