effective remedy

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Sent through What's app by my friend Hisham. The English translation of that sentence, (An effective remedy for the young and the old)

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  • Muito obrgado meo amigo! I am glad that you liked that video/ Thanks James for being my friend. I hope to improve my poor Portuguese.   

  • Hehe... Funny and cute. I like it!

  • Spasibo Winnie The Pooh! I really appreciate your liking that video. Thanks. 

  • Thanks, Leo for pressing the like button. 

  • Vanakkam mod. Nadira! An exceptional comment. Yes, I agree. Throwing money  randomly like that is a bit humiliating.  Thanks, Mod. Nadira for your comment. 

  • Some how or other I did not like the influence of money at a young age not it being thrown randomly carelessly ....

    it takes a big heart to mold young and tender minds ....

  • Thanks Mr. Essberger for pressing the like button. 

  • Danyavaad Satya! The power of money! It represents the strength for the weak, The weapon for those who want to fight. The tongue for those who want to speak.Thanks, Satya. 

  • Muthboot ya Abu Humaid! I agree with that. Money is good for all of us. In other words, how do describe the silence of that young man who was crying and once that package of money was thrown into him, he stopped crying? Thanks, Ahmed for your nice comment. 

    • yes, it shows that the power of money

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