Don't judge a book by its cover.

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Original title : 'The fact that I see with the eyes' Official HD: The camera Vizer (vizer cctv).

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  • Adoiii!!

  • Dear Jp_Tp,
    I'm not that intelligent. As I've told before, I'm still learning. I always got 75% in my English language exercises. So I have a lot more to learn.
    My grandma was 96 years old when she passed away on 1st day of Eid-ul-Adha.
    Lastly, my advice for you, you should refer to someone who are a native English speaker, not me because I'm not as good as you claimed. Thanks for you comment. Have a nice day.
  • JP_TP
    I encourage you take start writing something on your blog. As for me, I wrote in my blog to improve my writing skills and learning English as well. That's why I joined EC and determined to involved in EC activities actively. There's no issue of being addicted to internet. Because we're here to grabs knowledge. To improve my ability using English as my second skin. So, please DO IT (don't try) and you can tags on your blog for correction. Thanks for your active comments on my writing in EC. Have a nice day.
  • Thanks. When I shared this kind of moral values story, it also reminded me to be kind to others as well as I want you all to be kind to one another. I'm sorry I'm not good enough in English so it's hard for me to express my feeling. :-)
  • Oooh so touching story


     How this  story been so touching.My tears get fallen and fallen and fallen.

       I love this story.I get moral lesson from this story.

  • Burn,, I can say nothing. It only brings so much tears on my cheeks. Have no idea. Thanks a lot for sharing. Friends, you should see this! 

  • So touching lesson, great
  • good boy and ideal teacher 

  • Oh i'm speechless. Very good informative video for heartless people.
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