Denver Botanical Gardens

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Photos taken by my friend Teacher Bill. From Photo's Bill Album (facebook) Thanks My Teacher Bill your friend Ameur

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  • Thanks dear Kal. for a long time no one see my video and comment hhhhhhh :) I really appreciate you kind and sweet words..yes I love nature very much the nature is a part of me or of us all.

    Thanks again dear friend.


  • Dear Ameur,

    So so beautiful and inspiring video.I love it very much.I'm always thinking "If someone love the nature,The mother nature  protect them every moments"

    Many thanks for sharing dear!

    “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better"(Albert Einstein)
    You have understood well it dear!
  • Thanks my friend for your sweet comment,I just created this video(montage) but the pictures taken by my friend Teacher Bill in Denver Botanical Garden(USA).

    Glad to know you like it.Thanks


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