Daughtry-Tennessee Line LYRICS

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One of the best songs of Daughtry featuring Vince Gil.Tennessee Line by Daughtry ***I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG. ALL RIGHTS GO TO CHRIS DAUGHTRY. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE ONLY.***

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  • Hi, Roman!

    Thanks for the comment! Daughtry has a lot of upbeat, rock sounds but sometimes the ones with a ballad tune could leave remarkable impression. Unfortunately, the group didn't release a music video. It could have been a great hit for sure.

    Have a creative and energized week! 


  • Hi, Olga!

    Thank you for commenting! Chris Daughtry was a former American Idol finalist and after he was eliminated in the show he formed a rock band named Daughtry. The band is one of the successful group I think.

    Wishing you a lovely midweek!


  • Hi, Rosemary!

    Thank you for your comment! Yes, your right! This song has deep meanings about the wrong decisions happened in someone's past. I also learned a new phrasal verb, swear off.

    I swear off sleeping late at night because it makes me think irrationally. :)

    By the way, I like your word 'profound'! Have a great midweek! 


    swear off (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
    Define swear off (phrasal verb) and get synonyms. What is swear off (phrasal verb)? swear off (phrasal verb) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmi…
  • Hi, Robbie!

    I've never heard this song before.

    The lyrics are nice, but I would prefer to listen to this song with a little happier or faster or brighter melody.

  •   It is really a nice song with profound lyrics  . Thanks for sharing :) 

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