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  • Mishaikh,

    Omg, I got goosebumps watching this, reminds me of ballet. Water dancing ballet. The music is just perfect matching.

    It is really so so beautiful, water reaches just as high as the building, it must be a powerful fountain.

    Thank you for sharing the video.
  • COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! This is so beautiful!!! And the water is dancing at the rhythm of music!!!! It is WOW! This fountain is so graceful!!!! I have never seen something like this! Thank you very much for sharing, Mishaikh!!! Mmmmmm... Indeed very cool spectacle!!!

  • Thanks serene for liking this Dance of Water.

  • So beautiful and marvelous!

  • Eva it is very much here.  I have just seen it running.  

  • Thanks Robbie for liking this Aqua dance.  I have watched this amazing fountain live, when I visit Vegas.  I remember I have mentioned this in my blog "Jackpot".

  • That's marvelous! Are you one of those people who cheered during the show? I bet you had a great time there, Mishaikh!

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