covid 19

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Great appreciation and thanks to the brave and loyal doctors, nurses and all those other loyal and brave people who are working hard to overcome this outbreak.

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  • Dear Mr Gino, I understand that you're trying to aware people but actually this is not what's happening really. Nobody would be infected till they touch their polluted hands to their eyes, nose or mouth. That's the reason why washing hands is very important. But this is a good way to show how easily people are in the exposure of the virus. thank you so much. 

    • Mumnoon Soheila! Washing our hands before and after eating is said more than sixteen hundred years ago. Our Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said that in Hadeeth. We used to ignore that out of laziness or carelessness. Now, we are back to square one. Washing our hands is very important even if we are not in the time of Coronavirus. Thanks, Soheila for your nice and thoughtful comment.

  • Be careful! Take care of yourselves!

    • Ifcaristo Anastasia! I really enjoyed my stay in your beautiful hospitable city. Thanks for the advice! 

  • Acute awareness  thanks for the share Sir

    • Vanakkam mod. Nadira! You are most welcome. 

  • a creepy horror

    • Pushemu Winnie The Pooh? Lol! Are you sure it is horrified? Thanks for your comment. 


    The video scared me so much. It shows  covid 19 is more dangerous than radioactive radiation. The video maker would better not to scare people and advice people health tips.

    • Spasibo Winnie The Pooh! Don't panic. Just avoid mingling with those who are infected with the virus.  Thanks again for your comment.

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