Cooking Kompot part 3

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This is cooking kompot part 3 video. Thank you for watching. And tell me please, what do you think about it in commetns.

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  • But this is my old video. Now my English is much better than at the moment of recording this video.

  • I will show you the ling to YouTube video later

  • It's ok, Rosemary, no problems)

  • Yes, we drink it, not eat...

  • Unfortunately I can't watch it in my phone, will check it later on laptop...
    I just wanted to say we also have here sth called "kompot" and it is fruit pickle - appricots with its sweet juice or strawberries etc. We eat it with main dish such as schnitzel, potatoes and kompot ;) looks like just a few hundreds of km around the corner kompot is sth totally different as they just drink it :)
  • Hi, Rys!

    I couldn't have written it better myself! Am sure, Roman could figure it out soon and let's give him some time learning the ropes of video editing. :)

    @ Roman

    I didn't know that this is a type of refreshment or drink. At first I thought it's a salad with some syrup. You could have showed us how it's being served he he. 

  • ROOOFL RYS!!! :) Thank you for advices, but i still don't know how to open "video options" in my phone... Ok, i will try to upload in youtube next time.

  • Howdy there, folks,

      Roman, Robbie is right, try to upload your video on YouTube, it will compress it automatically and then you just share it here from can also try to see ur video camera settings, maybe there is an option of size or a compressing appl. 

      The other thing is, you waste a lot of time on insignificant trifles, try to shorten each phase of the preparation, for instance..the cooking water is exposed too long, then you keep on pilling those cut apples soooooooooooooooooo long, make a short cut, show the bowl of apples, put in the whole bowl without the hand loading stage...these prolongs the story too much. Try to show only the most important is not a porno...don't prolong it...LOL

  • I have converted part 2 of this video... But i still don't know why all videos from my phone are so large... with small time. But videos from my mom's phone have small size whith long time...

  • Do you have a video compressor app on your mobile phone or laptop? You could also upload your video on YouTube then share the video here on MyEC.

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