Cooking Kompot part 2

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This is cooking kompot video part 2

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  • You're quite welcome. Keep up the good work. 

  • :) Thank you A738a No i got it! Yes, really, like it was some old shoe:) Thank you!

  • No biggie. =]

    Nothing's wrong with it, it's just... the way you put it on the counter... with that much force... it was too loud, man! Guess I can't blame ya. Filming and cooking at the same time is hard; esp. when you're holding the camera with one of your hands. By the way, ''thwak'' means whacking sth/sb really hard. Here's its sound effect:

  • Sorry, A738a i don't know what is it "thwak" :) But thank you for help! And what is wrong with that pitcher?

  • It's called a "lid". :)

    The ''thwak'' sound of that pitcher... aaaaarrrrgghhh!!! 

  • Dear MARY, ROFL!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing because of your words...OMG. And even if i'll do, she will eat all the apples before i finish cooking...

  • Roman you just need an assistant for the cam... Why don't you ask your goat? You said she understands what you say, so I'm sure you can make a deal with her if you give her some of your apples as payment :D

  • To be honest i recorded new - full version of cooking and uploaded on youtobe... But that was fail, because i was so nervous while recording that i made so many mistakes and forgot everythink i wanted to say...

  • MARY! This is hard for me to record how i cooking...

  • Is funny the rude way you put that sugar jar on the table... you make the table trembling hahaha... such a manly cooking way XD

    I like your videos! waiting for the next ;)

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