Continue to explain about the past simple and present perfect

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  • now i know the difference between them. thank u for these useful lesson

  • Donnobad JET! I hope I learn more Bangla from you, Afro and the other  Bengali teachers. Thanks for congratulating me and I hope you work hard to strengthen your sills. Thank you my dear good friend.

  • Nigal ko walary nanni Nadira. You are most welcome. This website is depending upon the good efforts you present with the other moderators and administration staff too. Keep doing your noble work and the good deed deserves good reward. Thanks my lady.

  • Clear  and  easy  teaching  to the learner ...thanks a heap  sir :))

  • cam on Huynhtuan! Thank you engineer Huy for your correction, I am a bad student.

  • " chao mung " hehe.. you write wrong

  • Chow mong Huynhtuan. You are welcome my Vietnames teacher.

  • thank you for share

  • The examples are very simple and easy to understand.Thanks for your teaching!

  • Assalamu alaykum Idriss, bekhair wa la baas! Daba ana mabsoot min kalamak. Thanks Idriss for your nice comment. 

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