CNN Debate: Ban on Burqa

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Hebah Ahmed seems to be so cute when she says people have to do with my brain who I really am.

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  • Dear Estanis,

    No my friend, you might have misunderstood my points. Doing anything which is beyond the logic seems to act like hypocrite who just try to earn the favour of local people by hiding himself. Heterogeneous culture is a beauty of the world like a garden embellished with different colourful flowers. Wearing bikini is not the culture of any civilized country or society, right ? If yes, let me know with reference :)

    Obviously, it maybe joke for those who eat banana without peeling it :D. Banana is not the only example, there are many fruits which are covered with its peel which safeguards it from outer negative effect.
  • Sorry that you take it as an hypocrite saying.

    Not long ago I've been to a place in which tourists should be properly dressed and my partner should wear a veil. Far from complaining or spreading that my freedom was infringed, I was grateful for having known such land and its customs. I guess hypocrisy is a different thing in everyone's mind.
    Btw, your hidden points are caught. It'd be taken as a sort of joke here :D
  • Corrigendum: pls read as "let me question instead of let me answer"
  • Luci, the debate has already begun :) putting aside virtual communication, let me answer if we see facial expression while talking to people on phone in real life?

    A thing which needs to be covered should be covered like banana is covered with its rind, which keeps it fresh so longer. We peel it just before we eat it. I hope you got my hidden points here.
  • Estanis,

    "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"

    I take it as a sort of hypocrisy. If Romans do anything beyond our logic, yet we should follow them?. In our religion, there is always an open window to adapt to the environment and culture within circle of Islamic laws.
  • Arif, I liked also this debate and I am just saying, what I think and why not to discuss it here too? :D I think it isn't equal to compare virtual world - chatting etc. with speaking in public and behaving in real life - these are two totally different things. As for summer clothes - such things are here to make us feel comfortable and not sweat and stinky like pigs, nah? That is why there exist shorts for men and skirts for women :-D easy peasy and nobody takes it sexually here, the same with bikini...DONE :-)

  • "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"
  • Luci, well, believe me or not, I didn't post this video with intention to have debate on it but to let friends know how this debate was carried out. I like this argument.

    Now come to your question

    " not to see her facial expressions!!"

    Can you see facial expression while having chat with cellphone? On EC we, up to now, have communicated by texting. Do we see facial expression? Ofc not, yet we, members, enjoy having chat with each other. There is a famous saying in our local language "don't go on face, it sometimes, tells lie". Second, you know the word, "respect" applies on the thing which we dislike, but don't express it just to maintain harmony.

    As far as wearing mini-skirt is concerned, I have seen christen women in center of Karachi, Saddar/ Empress Market wearing such dress while wearing bikini in such state is like an overt invitation for strayed people, who are everywhere, to kidnap yourself.:D
    If you review your own comment, you wish to see facial expression which is required for communication, but may I question what's use of showing all parts of body? Is it also required for communication ? If yes, what kind of communication ? :D
  • Oh myyyy!!! Honestly speaking - it is really totally weird to see her talking almost all covered and not to see her facial expressions!!! I am not used to it at all, it is damn confusing and I dislike it. It is of course her choice - but let it be her choice in the Arab countries, where islam is MAIN RELIGION. Let me ask - if I wear mini-skirt or bikini in muslim country like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan... would it be ok? Would I fight for it on TV? hahahaaaaaa... She should respect majority of the country, where she lives and if she doesn't like it.... what is the problem to move somewhere, where she won't have any problem to wear burka? ehmm... just wondering... why she chose for living USA or was born there - no idea but as she is that radical.. guess she would live happily somehwere else but maybe that somewhere else ain't good enough?

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