A Canadian Christmas Tree

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What does a Canadian Christmas tree look like? Here is one example! This tree was cut down from a local tree farm yesterday during an annual family outing.Which ornament is your favourite? Do you prefer homemade or store bought ornaments? Ask me a question about this tree and the decorations on it.

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  • Oh yes, you bet I may spend the Christmas Eve with my family - eating out or having dinner at home!

    Christmas is not so important a holiday here as in Canada. We'll go to work on the Christmas Day, but we don't need to work on New Year's Day. As you know, all the Chinese are waiting for the Chinese lunar New Year to come - the traditional Spring Festival! Yes, the red will be everywhere when it comes!

  • Thanks for the answer, Tara! I hope you'll enjoy a very happy Christmas and New Year!

    I may go to a party with some of my friends for the Christmas Eve or I'll throw a party for all of my colleagues - I'm the chief of the department (ICU), so I should take the initiative.  

  • @Expector Great question! No, you can't cut a tree down anywhere. We go to a local tree farm. The trees are grown just to be Christmas trees. It's a bit silly, isn't it? 

    @Ohnie You are right. Real trees can be so messy. On the other hand, you need to store an artificial tree. It's hard to find room when you live in a little house! When I was a kid we always had an artificial tree. I married into a family where real trees were the tradition. I love the smell too. 

    @Junko We spend Christmas Eve and Day with family but my best friend always comes out for a few days during the holidays. New Year's is typically spent with friends as well. In some Canadian families, Christmas is spent with friends rather than blood relatives. Many families are spread out too far! Canada is very big and it's expensive to fly at this time of year. 

  • Lovely! That was really neat, Tara! I like the smell of a real tree in the house but then again it's just so much of a pain when it starts drying out, needles on the floor get messy, and at getting rid of it after Christmas is no fun also. So, I used an artificial tree this time.
    I love the hand made ornaments on your tree. Very creative.
  • Sorry I can't see this video. I have a question for you, though. Where do you usually go to find such a Christmas tree? Are you allowed to cut down a tree whenever or wherever you want to? We are not allowed to do that here in China, so we may use an artificial tree instead.

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