Watch it till end to have an astonishing pleasure.

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Take the spiritual journey of “Bol Hu” with us and let it surprise you. An original by Soch featuring 8 year old Hadia, Bol Hu is a soul searching trance of your very selfthrough your creator ...Rung ja apnay hi rung tuHo ja apnay hi sung tuBana lay choti si dunyaHo ja mast malang tuBol hu……………………Khali Khali aankhoon sapnay bunta jaMun apnay ki kar kay sub ki suntan jaTooti phooti saansoon say larta ja barhta jaTukra tukra kar kay apni qismast chunta jaBolay tun mun jub hu,Thandi lagti hay phir looSajday main aansoon gira layHo ja must malang tuBol hu………………………..Bolt uGirl’s lyricsShe starts with Alaap of Raag DarbariAfter AlaapWch sajday soch kisay hor di kiyun (This line is of Punjabi language)Dil main tairay dard hai kiyun rog hai kiyunKiya hai tu, kiyun hai tu soch zaraLar ja apni hi jung tuKarday sub ko hi dung tuBana lay choti si dunyaHo ja must malang tuBol hu……………………….Bol tu Allah hu

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  • You people may have seen a new instrument here in the group, the man with a cap is playing it, and the song starts with it.  This is called TUMBURA (also called Tumburu).  It's root go back to thousand years especially in Hindu Mythology.  It is now popular in Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan).  May be in other parts of the world also, but I can't recall any other name.

    More. The little girl Syeda Hadia Hashmi starts her version of song with an ALAP IN RAAG DARBARI. A note from Classical Music of Subcontinent. Interesting thing is that where Hadia is picking up this note,  here, usually, a singer reaches after the practice of decades.

    This is just for your interest. 

  • Thanks Rose.  I appreciate your comment.  I will try to insert above the lyrics in roman style and their English translation.

  • Hi, Mishaikh.

    I enjoyed listening to the song.
    Unfortunately, I can't judge the lyrics of the song as I don't know the language.
    All musicians and singers sing and play their instruments with a huge passion. I have to admit, this music style isn't much familiar to my ears, but I appreciate and admire the virtuosity of the musicians.
    I was very surprised and impressed by the big power in the voice of that little girl.

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