Pakistan Red Crescent

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Hello everyone!I am from Pakistan Red Crescent which Is internationally known as Red Cross. We have been doing great humanitarian services around the Globe for Decades especially for the ones most needy in our society. We Think expect u all are with us in this Regard to support and appreciate our Workers.

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  • Rotate the video, it is sideway on my screen.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Yes, because we Pakistanis and Indians are close together.

  • Shaik! Your accent is like Indian.. 

  • Oh my God! Is it really i m reading what you have commented. So Surprising! I am Sat Appropriately It is just that i haven't rotted the Video rightly. Hope you Watch it on You By Searching for Pakistan Red Crescent.  Roman 

  • I took your point dear, My this video is already present on the Youtube in an edited form. Thank you for your comment! Robbie

  • Hi, Shaik!

    Nice video!

    But tell me please, how have you overcome the gravity??? :D

    I would like to be able to sit ON THE WALL, like you do! :)

  • Welcome to MyEC, Shaik!

    Thank you for sharing your video about the organization that you are working in. It must have been a grateful experience for you to help the less fortunate. In my country, The Red Cross plays an important role in providing humanitarian aid especially during typhoons and other disasters. 

    By the way, you could upload your video also on YouTube and later share it here since you can edit the video easily.

    Wishing you all the best!


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