Beautiful Bangladesh

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Hello , this is Caspian from Bangladesh. Can I have your 10 minutes? Yes, 10 minutes because I want to share something today! I want to show you my country, Bangladesh. It is very tough to show every details so I was looking for something that can represent the whole country in 10 minutes . I got that video clip. This video clip named “Beautiful Bangladesh” was released on 2011 during the opening ceremony of ICC world cup 2011. I think many of you might remember that the ceremony was organized in Bangladesh.So lets go on a short tour in Bangladesh. You will visit here the world’s largest mangrove forest from the world’s longest seabeach and ! Enjoy!

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  • Welcome! and thank you too, Robbie ! The most important resource is actually the people of this country. They always love visitors from abroad. If you meet them once they'll love you like their own family members! 

  • Your country is rich in natural wonders and heritage, Casper. I would love to visit the beautiful Bangladesh. Thank you for sharing this video. : )

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