Be kind whenever possible

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  • My dear Onee,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. And highly appreciating your tenderness!

  • Dear Kal,

    I agree with the word, "You don't have to be rich people to be generous". Sometimes, we forgot that we don't share anything today, this week, this month, even this year.

    One day, I lost some money and didn't know how that could happen. I realized something that that time I might have forgot to share what was mine. My anxiety's gone, then I shared something with friends, instead. ^^ 

    Thank you for your reminding video, my sweet friend Kal .^_^

  • My dear Eva,

    Thank you so much sweetheart!

  • Dear hanni,

    Thank you so much, for liking my video!

  • Dear Rose,

    Thank you so much, for your nice words.I know your kindness!

    May God bless you!

  • A true word, dear Kal. People too often forget it.

  • Thank you so much for your great feedback Roman dear!

    Highly appreciating!

  • This is a very good video, dear Kal! Thank you for sharing it! Sometimes people need to be reminded about good things...

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