BBC English Class: How to use 'unless'

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You are probably familair with using 'if' in conditional sentences. 'Unless' is a conjunction that can also be used with a conditional meaning, but there are...

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  • Hi, Molemane!

    Thank you for commenting. I'm glad you found this video useful. For sure I'll share more of this in the future. Stay tuned!



  • Hi Robbie, a very good video indeed, especially for us learners,thanks a lot, please send more videos  from BBC English Class

  • Thank you for the comment, Sir Dara! I'm a die hard fan of BBC Learning English. Its site records educational and engaging videos for English learners. Furthermore, its presenters are all talented! :)

  • Magandang happun Robbie! Mabuti naman, kaibigan ko. Keep going Robbie, will ya?

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