Basketball Challenge

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Jesson, here's the video I promised. It's now your turn. My score is not much to beat. It was my first time playing this at the arcade. Then I guess you can challenge whoever you want next. How about Allen or Nick? ;)

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  • Hahah Jess, what d hell? 135 in 10 hours? Lol, pretty awesome! Thank u for accepting d challenge. I can beat ur score in 20 doubt!!! Let's see who who's next.
  • Ohnie, I have made your challenge, and now ,see how many balls counted!! I love too if somebody in English club will try it too, and post their video here. So I dare anyone who want to accept my challenge.

  • Jess, don't forget the video.
  • You got 24, that great and the very thing is the ring was moving, Terrific Ohnie girl!!!! If me and my family have got chance to drop at the arcade,sure IM going to do it, sure!!!!

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