Barack Obama's Inauguration 2009

Location: Washington
Views: 1733
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Barack Obama takes the oath and becomes the 44th President of the United States. His inspiring speech follows.

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  • Exciting speech! I listen it at least 100 times to practise my english.
  • I really respect him. Not fully for his politics, but for his speeches, intelligence and so on.
  • thank you
  • I wanted to view this video, but it wouldn't open - maybe something wrong with the software on my computer. I have the same problem with some other videos too, even though I can successfully open some of the videos.
  • 2.06:It is my great personal honor to present the 44th President of the United States:Barack Obama.
    Thank you!
    2.40.My fellow citizens!
    I stand here today humbled by the task before us,grateful for the trust you have bestowed,mindful for the sacrifices born by our ancestors.
  • Hi Tara!
    I Barack Hussain Obama do solemnly swear,......
  • Wow! Great. Can anyone help out with the "dosalim" part?
  • Great! Thanks Monika! Perhaps we could use this video to put the transcript together! Would anyone like to try?
  • Hi dear Tara!
    Hope you don't ind,if I add here this adress.
    I found a site,where the full text of Obama's speeh can be found.

    I printed it to myself,and read it,after I listened his whole speech,it really helped me to understand the whole speech thoroughly.
  • How impressing that great number of people,who followed the events of the Inauguration process!
    I'm sorry,that subtitles are not available for better understanding,but Obama made a powerful speech,that's for sure!
    Nice prospects as he projects the future steps,hope he'll succeed to achieve these perspectives.
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