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Attraction are a Hungarian theatre group, with a unique act of creating pictures with shadows of their bodies. Hear we see them performing to the track "Read...

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  • Yes Sima ,I know you ….You are very emotional person , and the video really wonderful .Thank you for your nice comment .

  • Kiriku @Yes dear ,I am mesmerized by this very very nice video, I saw it many times too. Thank you for your comment.That is very kind of you .

  • Robbie @It is a good message for all over the world .The wars are the worst things in the world .I like the performers, they are really talented .Thank you my dear friend for your nice comment.

  • It made me cry ..That was great :(

  • Amazing performance!!! I watched it tens of times but each and every time I still feel stunning and emotional like the first one.

  • What a brilliant performance by the Attraction group! The shadows they performing were extraordinary, and the theme song was perfectly blended with the messages they wanted to convey. Thank you for sharing, Tawfeeq! : )

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