Asma Al husna .99 names of Allah || Nasheed

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Asma ul husna□□99 names of Allah

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  • Thank dear RK for comment.
  • Thank dear elf Noor, dear dara, dearest sis Onee-chan, dear sis serene for the lovely feedback.

    Please take care and be happy!
  • Dear Brother! Thanks for sharing the video.

    It always gives pleasure hear His name and to watch such video . Allah belongs the beautiful name, if you call him by the name He will answer or response you. Allah process all the attributes.. He is the Creator, Provider,forgiving, Merciful, Omniscient, the Hearer of all things..

  • My dearest bro, this is from Indonesia, but how come I never watch it.... :D

    Thank you so much for sharing this here... That's cool!  ^_^

  • Allah hamaree nimaat hain. Praise to Allah. It is always good to be reminded of our creator and master. Thanks, Mr. Arif Saeed!
  • So nice... ^_^

    thanks for sharing this video with us..

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